Tuesday, May 7th, 2024

The Rise of Machine Identities and how to Protect their Secrets

5:30pm – 8:00pm PT | San Francisco, CA

Event Overview

Every identity has a secret. Secrets are credentials, certificates and keys that enable the human or non-human identities to interact securely. 96% of security executives report that secrets are sprawled in code, configuration files and CI/CD tools. This explains why over 80% of all breaches are identity related and involve use of compromised secrets.

Further, there are 45x machine identities for every human resulting in 240% increase in total identities in 2023. This challenge necessitates a sophisticated response from Security, Identity, and Access Management professionals.

The last few years have seen the emergence of various tools to manage secrets of various identities. However, the current fragmented approach, characterized by the use of multiple disjointed tools, amplifies the problem, leading to increased costs and complexity, and ultimately, compromised security. The emergence of Identity Secrets Management Platforms represents a pivotal shift in addressing these challenges, offering a streamlined and efficient solution that enhances security while reducing costs.


  • What trends have led to the massive growth of machine identities

  • Limitations of existing tools that manage secrets

  • Why identity security tools have failed in their purpose

  • How to solve the secrets sprawl problem in enterprises

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*Please note that this is an invitation-only event and space is limited. All requests to attend will be reviewed by our event staff and approved based on professional qualifications and event capacity. Additionally, these events will not be recorded and the Chatham House Rule will apply.

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Tom Field

SVP Editorial


Oded Hareven

CEO & Co-Founder

Akeyless Security


Join Oded Hareven, Co-Founder & CEO at Akeyless, a leading vaultless secrets management platform, to discuss the issues and opportunities in securing and managing identity secrets

This session will be:

  • Chatham house rules
  • Peer driven
  • Pitch free

Subject matter expert

Oded Hareven

CEO & Co-Founder

Akeyless Security

Oded is a veteran of the Israel Defence Forces Cyber-Security elite unit that specializes in Identity and Access Management technologies and has held various senior product and project management positions in both enterprise organizations and startups before founding Akeyless

Exclusive Sneak Peek: Get a Preview of this Roundtable


Palio Restaurant

640 Sacramento Street, San Francisco, CA 94111

Underwritten by

Akeyless’ unique combination of innovative technology and cloud-native architecture, enables enterprises to easily secure DevOps cloud workloads, and legacy environments, while meeting compliance and regulations.

Akeyless is led by a seasoned team with proven track records and diverse backgrounds in security,
cryptography, operational management and international business. Akeyless’ management team uses
their collective experience to reimagine and put into practice a whole new way of integrating security
into continuous development and IT infrastructure to enable operation and protection synergy.

Rules of Engagement

By taking part in this discussion you agree that:

  • These events follow Chatham House Rule. Nothing shared will be recorded or distributed anywhere online.
  • If for any reason you need to cancel your reservation, we ask you to let us know 48 hours prior to the event commencing so we can open your seat up to someone else.
  • These are interactive discussions, so we ask that all attendees participate in the discussion. If this is a virtual event, we ask all attendees to join via video.

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