Maximize the Impact of Events

Successful Events Generate Relevant Leads, Accelerate Your Sales Funnel and Elevate Your Brand

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Current market conditions and time constraints leave little opportunity to get in front of senior-level security leaders across multiple industry verticals

  • Cut through the noise and advance your sales cycle  
  • Make personal connections and have meaningful conversations with ideal leads 
  • Address the education gap in the cybersecurity industry as a true thought leader  
  • Stand out as a leading cybersecurity solution provider 
ISMG Summits are geo-targeted, industry-specific and topic-driven events designed to provide actionable education through presentations, workshops and networking with peers and our expert speakers. Our primary goal is to equip security leaders with best practices to tackle today's security challenges.
ISMG Engage events are designed with senior executives’ needs in mind. Participate with our community of security leaders for on-site, closed-door 'deep-dive’ discussions designed to provide engaging insight on the latest threats, technology and solutions to apply in your place of work.
ISMG’s Executive Roundtables are closed-door discussions focused on specific challenges faced by information security executives in today’s cybersecurity landscape. Attendees can exchange ideas with industry experts and peers in a collaborative environment.
For over 10 years, ISMG Global Events have provided security executives with informed perspectives & actionable solutions for pressing cybersecurity challenges. Tap into our community of over 950,000 security professionals & organize your next custom event - both in-person & virtual.