

Heide Young

Founding Partner
Women in Cyber Security Middle East (WiCSME)


Young is the manager of cyber strategy and engagement at NEOM Tonomus, where she is responsible for co-developing cybersecurity strategy. She is also the founding partner and board member of Women in Cyber Security Middle East (WiCSME), a group dedicated to promote women participation in cybersecurity.


“The ‘Women in Cyber Security Middle East’ group was formed to promote and increase women participation in the field of cyber security. It is a voluntary group and has a vision to Build a strong, dependable, and increasing network of passionate female cyber security professionals in the Middle East and African countries. Increase women in the field of cyber security in the region and encourage more female leadership in cyber security.”

Founding Partner, Women in Cyber Security Middle East (WiCSME)

Future Events

July 26, 2024

Building Agility and Resilience With Digital First, Next-Gen Connectivity, Secure by Design

July 30, 2024

Cyber Security Readiness with Splunk, Boston

August 8, 2024

Cybersecurity Summit: New Delhi

Future Events

July 26, 2024

Building Agility and Resilience With Digital First, Next-Gen Connectivity, Secure by Design

July 30, 2024

Cyber Security Readiness with Splunk, Boston

August 8, 2024

Cybersecurity Summit: New Delhi

August 15, 2024

AI's Double-Edged Sword: Navigating Risks While Unlocking Opportunities

September 17, 2024

Cybersecurity Summit: London